7 thoughts on “Squirrel!!!

  1. Just a FYI on that first one about St Louis County. That’s way up north on the iron range, shares a border with Canada – lots and lots of good fishing. The picture appears to show Minneapolis implying it’d be near there and likely have a lot of people/lots of deaths. Nope, 13 deaths in St Louis County… not a lot of people live up there, it’s mostly woods… thus why it’s such a huge county size-wise.

    Now the other point that’s made, I have no clue why nursing homes are admitting people who would have Covid-19 at this time. Assuming that’s true – also what are we talking, 1 person? 2 people? I guess I’d like to know that.

    I question everything and find most stuff these days is done to mislead – sorry both sides of the political spectrum. One day it will end and we’ll have something closer to the truth, but at this point in history the truth doesn’t seem to matter to anyone.

  2. …also, for clarity sake – I’m from Minneapolis, thankfully don’t live anywhere near the area of the protests, but I know the area. The police station is on fire, but what you see in that video above isn’t it. That’s the building across the street from the police station – it’s a liquor store – the fire in the video is the vape store next to the liquor store that’s burning. The liquor store is also on fire btw.

    There’s a video I saw of a couple white guys with automatic weapons… in that video the store they are standing in front of protecting, as well as being protected by guys with machetes was that same tobacco/vape store that’s burning in that video.

    Like I said though, the police station is on fire, but what’s in that video is not the police station.

    Also, what a waste… the police in arresting George Floyd did not follow procedure for sure, and the mad was killed. They should be tried. George Floyd probably did break the law, but he should have just been put in the back of the squad and put in jail. The vape store owner did nothing wrong, the liquor store owner did nothing wrong, Target and Cub Foods did nothing wrong… other police officers did nothing wrong.

    There have been some stand out people in this… saw a video yesterday where a black guy was being interviewed… stops, looks back at the building he was standing in front of, it looked like a library or something like that, as this guy was trying to sneak into it… says “stop, we’re not doing this today.” The guy stopped, thought about it, came over and respected the guy who told him to stop, and left. You don’t see too many people these days standing up for humanity and doing what’s right for others. Everyone seems in it for themselves, this guy’s standing in front of like a library telling people “no” and being respected for doing the right thing… he has my respect too.

  3. “There’s a video I saw of a couple white guys with automatic weapons… ”

    How do you know they’re “automatic ” weapons, John?

  4. As near as I can tell, the only person who did something wrong was Mr. George Floyd. Floyd used a bogus check to get cash for some “party powder”. When the police arrived, he was “under the influence”. I suspect an amphetamine + PCP/ketamine/ animal tranquilizer/bath_salts/whatever. Mr. Floyd was calm in the security video but at the police cruiser he, reportedly, became irrationally violent and was taken toi the ground. The officer kept him down since the violence due to drugs typically “cycles”. In this case the next cycle was something lethal (heart failure, stroke, terminal seizure, etc). Mr. Floyd, at 46 years of age, was too old to be plkaying that game. Mr. Floyd wasn’t “killed” except by his choice of drugs.

    The looting (not “demonstrations”) just needed an excuse, any excuse. Looks like the police let Mr. Floyd’s “associates”, including probably his dealer, leave the scene of the incident. As a practical matter, Mr. Floyd was doomed as soon as he took/injected the drugs. The police just happened to be there for the photo shoot. A well equipped and well-staffed and experienced Emergency Room “might” have saved Mr. Floyd. If they were lucky.

    Drugs iz Bad, ‘K?

    Beyond that, it is just another Democratic inner city ghetto.

  5. How many of the fine upstanding yutes currently on chimp out would be mugging him if they thought he had money? He is just a handy face for a cause.

  6. so, one cop goes too far; despite years of every traffic stop becoming more dangerous for years and cops beiing assualted as happened in ferguson and assinated in NYC and 99% of cops show amazing restraint in stops and arrests and today cops have to abandon their own police headquarters ?
    i’m not a bigot, racist or kkk member but not shipping them all back to africa following the civil war seems a mistake. to not have had decades of blacks shouting down other blacks for bringing in the thug culture, being irresponsible and shaming so many blacks for learning to live on the taxpayers dime is just sad.
    you see what is happening now and really wonder why nearly every other country has progressed better and faster than every country in africa, except majority white south africa.

  7. If Booth hadnt shot Lincoln they would have been shipped back to the mother lands, and sent home. Lincoln was a separatist at best, and his musings would look right at home on “stormfront”.
    This would have resulted in a completely different country today, and though we will never know for sure, it would look more like Mayberry than like Detroit.

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