Why Wait? Trump Should Walk – UPDATE

Why Wait? Trump Should Walk – UPDATE


UPDATE: That was quick, went to watch a nieces basketball game after this post and came home to find out Trumps out of debate, weird.


Tough talk, snarky tweets, and mocking is all we have gotten so far out of Trump. If he is really that dedicated to the tough guy stance, then he should walk away from Thursdays final debate. Megyn Kelly did attack him in the first debate and they have been prodding each other ever since.

If Trump actually walks, it would show people he means what he says in a very substantial way, plus he sucks at debates, it would only help him if he didn’t show up.

Megyn has been the darling of talk shows and magazines before and after the first debate, her Vanity Fair spot read more like liberal lesbian love letter than a chick mag cover story.

Her occasional, yet highly entertaining, bucking of the conservative party line has attracted more independent-minded viewers and has even earned praise from liberals such as Chris Matthews, Joy Behar, and Gayle King. As of late, passersby have been calling out versions of “It’s not too late to come to the other side!” Still, some media types warn against getting too excited over Kelly. As Bill Maher put it, “We think of Megyn Kelly as the sane one over there at Fox News. It’s just because she’s surrounded by Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. She’s like the blonde dragon girl on Game of Thrones. Everyone else is a zombie or a dwarf or fucking their sister, so she looks normal.”


Jessica Yellin, a former chief White House correspondent for CNN, says, “She defies all the pigeonholing that usually happens to women on TV. She’s smart, strong, sexy, fierce, sympathetic all at once.”


Veteran newswoman Katie Couric praises her dogged interviewing skills, crucial when interrogating dodging politicians. “She takes no prisoners and takes no BS,” says Couric. “And I’ve noticed that she’s a really good listener. Sometimes the tendency is to go down a laundry list of questions and to not say, ‘Wait a minute.’ It requires you to think on your feet and to take the conversation in a totally different direction.”

Don’t get the wrong idea here, I like Megyn Kelly, very much so. But I also think she did Trump an injustice in the first debate, and Trump acknowledged the slight, a number of times. Now he is threatening a boycott of the debate…………well…………do it.
If I am to believe you will do what you say if elected POTUS, then knock off the social media red lines and don’t show up.

Do that Mr. Trump, and I will take another look at you for my vote, do it not, and your just another tough talking politician who doesn’t follow through with anything they say, we already have plenty of that in Washington.


 Fox News head will let Trump walk before replacing Megyn Kelly as debate moderator – The Washington Post

Well, Ailes has news for Trump. If it comes down to a choice between Trump or Kelly, he’ll pick Kelly.

“Megyn Kelly is an excellent journalist, and the entire network stands behind her,” Ailes said in a statement to The Fix. “She will absolutely be on the debate stage on Thursday night.”

So there.

Balls in your court tough guy.

3 thoughts on “Why Wait? Trump Should Walk – UPDATE

  1. IMO Trump is a egocentric opportunist (albeit a shrewd one) who is not temperamentally suited to be leader of the free world.

    He has, however, done us all a favor by identifying serious issues and highlighting how passionately many members of the Silent Majority feel about those issues.

    His work is done. Now it’s time for him to sit down and let the adults take it from here.

  2. I’m tired of Trumps’ constant attack by innuendo and insinuation, and his failure to respond to the issues stated in critical press. The most recent being to the National Review issue. Trump has yet to argue his position, all he’s done is to call NR a failure of a magazine.

    “Cruz is a nasty guy”? That’s the same crap the Alinskyites pull.

    I’m writing this as Fox announces Trump’s pulling out of the debate.

  3. If Trump actually does sit out this debate over a small and unimportant pissing match with Megan Kelly, then he could very well be killing his own chances of getting the nomination next summer, leaving the adults in the room to give the nomination to Cruz. But, we shall see . . . .

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