6 thoughts on “And They Wonder Why

  1. These people need to be held accountable for there actions. If it was the other way around. There would be riots in the streets and our government would be fanning the flames.

  2. I saw a similar “one-way street” scenario years ago when I was in Ireland. Irish Travellers (Irish, nomadic Gypsies) are white, but self-identify (?) as a separate “race”. Of course all the Liberals, and there are lots there, shout out the same. Irish Travellers have a history of criminality (burgerly, robery & scam activity) and violence (sound familiar?). They have huge inter related families where the “Last names” number in the low 2 digit category. They have conned the regular populace just like out home-grown Apes with the aid of the “feel-good” Liberals and now if you make a remark that is negative towards them you will be accused of Racism. Then the huge fines come and that money is rewarded to the “feelings-hurt” Travellers. They make hundreds of thousands from this.

      1. Which is the point of PC, of course.

        Read Gramsci’s Prison Diaries. Before the Party Vanguard can bring about the Revolution, the Party Vanguard must destroy every vestige of society’s “false consciousness” and “cultural hegemony.” Exalt everything that is evil, destroy everything that is good. If the people are proud of their culture, the Party Vanguard must tell them that their culture is “exploitative,” “racist,” “bigoted.” If the people view something with repugnance, the Party Vanguard must tell them that this is “oppression” and “unjust.”

        The object is to destroy all of society’s moorings to the past, turn the “working class” into anomic, atomized, deracinated, isolated, alienated individuals, strip them of “false consciousness” like racial or cultural pride, and bring about utter intolerable chaos, violence, and madness–so that the “working class” will beg to be chained, just to make it stop and have some tiny vestige of security and routine to which to cling in order to maintain their sanity. This is “cultural Bolshevism” and it is the root of PC.

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