So This Is What You Call A Civilized Country?

So This Is What You Call A Civilized Country?

What the hell is wrong with these people. This video shows black teenage girls attacking each other. The violence is same old same old that we have seen for years when blacks choose turn on each other. It’s not normal behavior….for anyone.

I am sure there was a reason for the fight, but how could a person with any sense of morality not step in and stop it, even when an adult does show up he allows the girl on the floor to be kicked and stomped repeatedly. When Obama and Holder bitch and moan about racial equality, I would point to this video and many others and show them we are not the same, we are two different cultures tossed together and told to behave.

And before ya start calling me racist, know that I’m far from it. I just know what this is, and it is not the way civilized people act. H/T Gateway Pundit for the vid.

8 thoughts on “So This Is What You Call A Civilized Country?

  1. This is what happens when two packs of wild animals are in the same area fighting over the same limited supply of resources.

    In this case the girls have never been taught any of the skills or knowledge that make people able to work in a society rather than as a small tribe.

    If you get a chance read the book “an inconvenient inheritance” it actually goes into the genetics of different races and what gene controls the ability to put your own immediate desires and needs onto the back burner so that you can work in a group.

  2. I beg to differ. This is perfectly normal behavior for a certain group, and it’s exactly the same behavior that’s always on display, everywhere, all around the world wherever this group is found. It’s the same in Harlem or in Haiti, in Chicago or the Congo, New Orleans or Nigeria.

    Be careful what you admit to noticing, by the way. Working-class white Kulaks aren’t allowed to notice this phenomenon. You could get labeled “racist” and made unemployable, or even get a 3am visit from a SWAT team for that kind of political incorrectness.

    1. No One – If we ignore and don’t notice we will be over run. Somebody has to admit the obvious, whatever we are doing for this element of society is not working.

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