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Month: August 2017

The Good Fight

The Good Fight

“The problem with complaining about “greedy capitalists” is that we’re very good at spotting other people’s greed but very reluctant to see it in ourselves. That’s how demagogues prey on greed and envy to rally people to take what isn’t theirs. If you need charity to live, you are fortunate to be living in one of the most charitable nations on earth.
If you don’t need charity [to survive] but demand it because you “deserve” it or “the rich can afford it,” you’re just as greedy as the “greedy capitalists.”Len Cabrera, American economist. tumblr_ou410fKzwK1r54qfqo1_500
Rumors Of War

Rumors Of War

The saber rattling is getting intense with North Korea, stories coming out of the media about nuke capabilities seem to be painting Trump into a corner and forcing him to take action. I have no doubt that our military capability is vastly superior to the Norks, that being said we are currently at war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and whatever ghost maneuvers our special forces are involved in. Toss in our tense relationship with Iran, China, and Russia and we are stretched pretty thin.

As an American, nothing would please me more than bringing hell fire down on the chubby little dictator just to shut him up. Putting out threats and shabby videos showing North Korea blowing up America is rude, (of course Iran has been doing it for decades). He seems like a spoiled child who doesn’t like being scolded and can’t play with the other kids because….well…..nobody likes him. He needs to have his toys taken away.

But we can’t fight everyone.

If I had to pick one I would get the hell out of Afghanistan. To this day I don’t know what we have gained but I have a good idea of what we have lost. The war on terror has been a perpetual war, the first American attack in Afghanistan happened October 7, 2001, you can do the math but fighting in one country for almost 16 years seems like a long time. We had the Gulf War in 1990-91 but that was a major ass kickin’  when Bush the Elder was running the show, unfortunately W. thought it a good idea to head back in 2003 and finish what his old man had started, been there ever since. Thanks to Obama and his troop withdrawal from Iraq we are now in Syria. Sad.

I don’t know what the current state of political and tribal factions are in Afghanistan, but I don’t think that we are on the cusp of bringing the Taliban to it’s knees. It’s time to let the chips fall where they may, we have given away billions of dollars to corrupt politicians and tribal leaders and it seems nothing has changed. I fear the blood and treasure was wasted in a senseless war that America has nothing to show for.

It’s past time to leave Afghanistan, I wouldn’t let any grass grow under our feet getting out of Iraq and Syria also but I understand the urgency in eliminating ISIS. I don’t know that Afghanistan would become a haven for terrorists or not, and frankly at this point, I don’t care.

Ann Coulter has more:

“Every recent war has been counterproductive at best. At worst, they have been meat-grinders for our bravest young men.

If we’re ever attacked, we should be prepared to unload our full arsenal. But it’s not our job to create functioning democracies in primitive rape-based societies around the globe.

Apart from an attack on U.S. soil by a foreign country, we are going to live our lives, go to work, celebrate the Fourth of July, and never bother learning the difference in Sunni and Shia Arabs. Once a decade, when we fleetingly remember Yemen or Saudi Arabia, we will hope they’re doing well, then get back to our lives — surrounded by a wall and living in a constitutional democracy, where our greatest young men aren’t continually sacrificed in pointless wars.”

Long Legs And Brains

Long Legs And Brains

 You hit white balls for batting practice, the ballparks are like cathedrals, the hotels all have room service, and the women all have long legs and brains. _ Crash Davis (Bull Durham)

Thought about this quote after watching this video. Don’t know about the long legs but she certainly has brains, not bad on the eyes either.  h/t Ninety Miles

Where Are The Good Guys?

Where Are The Good Guys?

Interesting read on McMaster. I have read on various other sites that McMaster was being unfairly treated by some with an axe to grind, but if the below information is accurate, Trump can’t get rid of him fast enough.

Truth is I don’t know, and I don’t know who the good guys are anymore.


“And if you warned about Obama holdovers undermining the new administration, you were a target. 

One of McMaster’s first acts at the NSC was to ban any mention of “Obama holdovers.” Not only did the McMaster coup purge Harvey, who had assembled the holdover list, but his biggest target was Ezra Watnick-Cohen, who had exposed the eavesdropping on Trump officials by Obama personnel. 

Ezra Watnick-Cohen had provided proof of the Obama surveillance to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes. McMaster, however, was desperately working to fire him and replace him with Linda Weissgold. McMaster’s choice to replace Watnick-Cohen was the woman who helped draft the Benghazi talking points which blamed the Islamic terrorist attack on a video protest. 

After protests by Bannon and Kushner, President Trump overruled McMaster. Watnick-Cohen stayed. For a while. Now Ezra Watnick-Cohen has been fired anyway. 

According to the media, Watnick-Cohen was guilty of “anti-Muslim fervor” and “hardline views.” And there’s no room for anyone telling the truth about Islamic terrorism at McMaster’s NSC. 

McMaster had even demanded that President Trump refrain from telling the truth about Islamic terrorism. ”     Keep Reading….

A Crazy World Gone Mad

A Crazy World Gone Mad

Sometimes the truth is painful and the answers are few.

AFRICA is giving nothing to anyone outside Africa — apart from AIDS and new diseases. Even as we see African states refusing to take action to restore something resembling civilization in Zimbabwe, the Begging bowl for Ethiopia is being passed around to us out of Africa, yet again. It is nearly 25 years since the famous Feed The World campaign began in Ethiopia, and in that time Ethiopia’s population has grown from 33.5 million to 78+ million today. So, why on earth should I do anything to encourage further catastrophic demographic growth in that country? Where is the logic?


Sorry. My conscience has toured this territory on foot and financially. Unlike most of you, I have been to Ethiopia; like most of you, I have stumped up the loot to charities to stop starvation there. The wide-eyed boy-child we saved, 20 years or so ago, is now a low IQ, AK 47-bearing moron, siring children whenever the whim takes him and blaming the world because he is uneducated, poor and left behind.    Here…
