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Month: June 2017

Custer Had Better Odds

Custer Had Better Odds

The circle continues ’round and ’round. Democrats and their propaganda media arm continue to attack conservatives and the values they stand for. It’s as if they can’t understand why the lost the house, senate, and white house in the last three election cycles regardless of their promise that they will make everything free of charge. Free health care, free college, free abortions, free, free, free. Thankfully the silent majority stood up and countered the socialist regime with the liberals worst case scenario, a billionaire with his own phone and pen willing to chip away at the progressives lefty Utopian goals. Still the left fights back.

The arsenal that liberals can deploy against the Trump administration is large. Watch any late night host and they dedicate their monologues to Trump bashing, listen to news updates on your local radio stations and information about Trump and his administration is presented as scandalous. College campuses across the country openly condone hate speech leveled at Trump, the indoctrinated snowflakes follow along because they don’t know any different, the loudest voices on campus are unattractive ill tempered feminists, affirmative action beneficiaries, and the useful idiots of the “Resist Whatever” movement.

If you have noticed the some of the commercials on TV you see the subliminal messaging of liberal ideology. Single parent, gay couples, and multiculturalism are advertisers preferred method of pitching their products. Toss in Hollywood celebs and musicians taking turns bashing Trump and you can see how the population is being inundated with the lefts dreamscape. Then you have the deep state Obama hold overs and Democrat politicians you can see the uphill battle Trump has to deal with. It would be the same thing with a President Cruz.

It’s no wonder Trump is having issues running the gauntlet of Washington, with so many people whose sole purpose is to disparage anything he does he must feel like Custer at the Little Big Horn, add in the GOPe and #nevertrumpers you would think Custer had better odds, at least he didn’t have to worry turncoats from his own ranks.

The entire political spectrum seems to be spinning just to spin. As long as they have their hands in our wallets and the money keeps flowing in why stop the merry go round. They’re fat and happy living in their mansions and gated communities all paid for by you the taxpayer. No worries about a bad economy, no worries about their healthcare, no worries about retirement, they’ve voted themselves Shangri-La, an earthly paradise, a mythical utopia – a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world.

While they enjoy this world they have built for themselves I’m running on empty, squeezed for every dime they can get their hands on, stressed to the max about healthcare, retirement, and another downturn…all the things they have secured for themselves. Washington has built their paradise, it’s up to the peasants to keep their coffers full and not upset the balance of what they have constructed.

The good cop bad cop routine by the Republicans and Democrats is just smoke and mirrors to keep the masses from grabbing the pitchforks and torches and burning the whole thing down. Representative democracy is a fallacy, there isn’t even a word I can think of that describes what Washington has become, not a monarchy, not tyrannical, not a Banana Republic, you have to have all the players defined for those titles.

No, this self serving monstrosity built on so many levels of government bureaucracy is nothing more than Government Elitism, they know more than you, they dislike you, you are deplorable. They have come from their college campus to the government campus, they have traded the status of a degree for the status of power in government, it’s not a huge jump for the well connected.

The long time “public servants” whose wealth has grown exponentially despite their modest salary pull the levers of power that can start a new department and choose where taxpayer money is spent. They keep the shadow industry of lobbyist appeased for corporate interests or government contracts, all the while claiming to serve the people that elected them….it’s all horse shit….see TSA or DHS, they weren’t around twenty years ago and we don’t need them now. There are other ways to handle the terrorist threat. (Travel ban anyone? How ’bout some good old fashion profiling?)

The last time anything substantive has ever changed Washington was during Ronald Reagans administration and even at that it barely moved the needle in stopping the growth of government. Trump has an opportunity to put a dent in what Obama did to the country, even with the deck stacked against him, but I don’t see him being able to slow the growth of the behemoth. If Reagan couldn’t do it, I doubt much Trump can.quote-no-government-ever-voluntarily-reduces-itself-in-size-government-programs-once-launched-never-ronald-reagan-151770


Twatter Goes Full On Twat

Twatter Goes Full On Twat

Liberals are showing their true colors of hate, calling for gun control, race vengeance, karma come ‘uppins, and continue to be blind to the fact that one of their own lost it and attempted to murder people.

You can’t have it both ways, you either promote love over hate or you hate everyone that has a differing point of view.

Keep poking the bear kids, you’ll soon find that has consequences.screen-shot-2017-06-14-at-9-19-23-am screen-shot-2017-06-14-at-9-16-34-am

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And So It Begins

And So It Begins

A lone gunman in Virginia decides to shoot up a a bunch of republicans during an early morning softball practice. If reports are correct he asked if the people on the field were democrats or republicans, when told the latter, he opened fire.

You can thank numerous people for instigating this kind of violence, Kathy Griffin, the Caesar play, twitter, NBCMSNBCABCCBS “news” networks, Steven Colbert, Conan O’Brian, Samantha Bee, Antifa thugs, BLM, and the other liberal nut jobs calling for violence against conservatives and conservative politicians.

The divide in this country has entered critical mass. With the Trump election the left has lost their minds and are spitting out the most vile and nasty shit about his administration and the lefts useful idiots are taking it to heart, thus begins the civil war. With the left becoming militant, the right has no option but to fight back…this will not end well.

Delusional Intent

Delusional Intent

Still, it is hard to accept. How can people with the ability to manage their own affairs convince themselves that the cause of the Orlando gay club slaughter was evil spirits, rather than the Muslim, who actually did it? How can sane people protest the march against sharia and march in favor of the gay rights at the same event? It defies explanation, other than it is some new form of mental illness that spreads like the flu, causing people to lose their marbles. It really does seem like collective madness.   Here…

Fast Study

Fast Study

CIA Director Mike Pompeo quipped Monday that he was not going to say “a damn thing in front of the media” during brief remarks at a White House Cabinet meeting.

President Donald Trump made short comments in front of the White House press pool, and he then had the other members of the Cabinet make brief comments about the work they were doing. Most of them also offered praise for Trump and expressed thanks for getting to serve.

“Mr. President, it’s an honor to serve as your CIA director,” Pompeo said, taking his turn after Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. “It’s an incredible privilege to lead the men and women who are providing intelligence so that we can do the national security mission, and in the finest tradition of the CIA, I’m not going to say a damn thing in front of the media.

“Hear, hear,” one person said.

Pompeo’s joke drew loud laughter from the room.   here…

The Perversion Of The Roses

The Perversion Of The Roses

2) As I’ve pointed out in recent weeks, someone seems to be holding the US Constitution upside down: We have courtrooms presuming to be legislatures, and the legislature pretending to be a courtroom. Both perversions are part of the systemic dysfunction that obstructs proper representative government. The allegedly Republican Congress should investigate less, and try legislating some of the President’s agenda. _Mark Steyn on Comey hearings    here….
