Fast Study

Fast Study

CIA Director Mike Pompeo quipped Monday that he was not going to say “a damn thing in front of the media” during brief remarks at a White House Cabinet meeting.

President Donald Trump made short comments in front of the White House press pool, and he then had the other members of the Cabinet make brief comments about the work they were doing. Most of them also offered praise for Trump and expressed thanks for getting to serve.

“Mr. President, it’s an honor to serve as your CIA director,” Pompeo said, taking his turn after Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. “It’s an incredible privilege to lead the men and women who are providing intelligence so that we can do the national security mission, and in the finest tradition of the CIA, I’m not going to say a damn thing in front of the media.

“Hear, hear,” one person said.

Pompeo’s joke drew loud laughter from the room.   here…

4 thoughts on “Fast Study

  1. The Liberal MSM is already announcing that the bully Trump ordered the Cabinet members to attend the meeting and “pledge their loyalty to the Emperor and Majesty Trump”. Freakin’ lying shit-headed swine “in-the-tank-for-Democrats” media should be frog-marched off into the Potomac and thus die from a combination of Ecoli, amoebic dysentery and crotch rot.

    1. Agreed for the most part but the Anacostia would be a much better choice for those particular maladies you cited.

    2. That sounds like a plan. WTF is wrong with them? What did they used to call that, “yellow journalism”? Or was that “propaganda”? Honest news is what I want to hear, not this crap. If there is going to be “opinion”, or propaganda, how about PRO-AMERICAN?

      1. Finding honest News today is like finding a 20 year old female heterosexual virgin in 2017,cmblake6. Unfortunately, both are as rare as the philosopher stone or the fountain of youth.

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