6 thoughts on “I Warned You….

  1. Wow, I grew up believing that bad guys wore masks… I would like to treat them like targets. At some point the country (half the country) will recognize what has been done to it, I just hope Barry is still around to be held accountable and that we still have the ability to fight back the hoards.

  2. The Ayatollah Obama (may his head be forever shit upon) will not be around to witness the havoc he is causing be his determined efforts to fuck up this country. And he refused to go to the border because, in my never-so-humble opinion, because he doesn’t want to see the problems he has caused because, along with all the other scandals he and his fucked up administration has caused, he basically sits on his throne in the Oval Office issuing executive decrees with his thumb in his ass and his mind, if he actually has one that works and is somewhat rational, in China. I’ll bet his buddy-pals in ISIS are so goddam proud of him. It will not surprise he if he invites that loony-tune “caliph” of ISIS to the White House for a formal State dinner.

    As for the White House itself, when he leaves office, and that can’t be too soon, the place is going to need a very heavy-duty fumigation.

    1. A couple of more thoughts here: those assholes in the picture are wearing those masks because they are do fucking proud of themselves and what they are doing. I would much rather see them wearing nooses aroudn their necks with the other end attached to the crossbar of a gallows.

      And The Ayatollah Obama (may his head be forever shit upon) isn’t going to the border while he is in Texas whining and begging for more money, because he wants to truthfully (something that is absolutely foreign to him) say that he didn’t know there was a problem on the Mexican border until he saw it on MSNBC or CNN.

      1. Scottie – These people at some point are going to become militant, it will happen, and there will be nothing to stop them once it begins. The drug cartels, gangs, and individuals who assume they have had some type of injustice handed to them will band together. Signs on store fronts will be in Spanish and English will be a second language in many south western cities. There will be little Tijuanas all over Texas, Cali, New Mexico and Arizona just to name a few. I weep for the future of this country.

        1. You are probably right, Jeffi. I’m glad I won’t be around to see it. I’m 79 and will probably be gone and forgotten by the time it happens. The way things are going today, I believe that there is going to be a nation-wide revolution against the gang of despots in Washington, DC that will make the French Revolution look like a Sunday School picnic.

          And I would still like to see those guys in the picture, as well as their cohorts, adorned with nooses tied to crossbars.

          1. Scottie – At the point La Raza assumes control of the southwestern states, DC will be in full cover your ass mode. Western states citizens will be left to defend themselves and their property as Washington politicians cash in their tokens and head for safe haven. A complete and total breakdown of the economy preceded by the collapse of the dollar leaves no entitlements for anyone. Dense urban cities collapse into chaos as anarchy reigns. Obama will be hunkered down in some tropical mansion immune from the downfall. Not a pretty picture.

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