Wasting Time And Money In The Mid-East – Hind Sight Is 20/20 But Obama Still Can’t See It

Wasting Time And Money In The Mid-East – Hind Sight Is 20/20 But Obama Still Can’t See It

Not surprising is the fact the Iraqi military has retreated in the face of an insurgency even with a 10 to 1 advantage.

This is what you see going on with the Iraqi army. None of them have loyalty to Iraq. Their first loyalty is to their family, followed by the extended family of the village and tribe. Sectarian loyalty is as far as it goes and even there it is frayed. Followers of one Imam may detest the followers of another, despite both being in the same sect. The Iraqi soldiers are not going to fight and die for something that does not exist, unless they have a bayonet in their back, as was the case under Saddam.

One would think the military would take advantage of the technology and training, but as witnessed in Afghanistan, the leaders have no interest other than lining their own pockets. Karzai and Maliki are cut from the same cloth, both corrupt politicians bilking the west out of billions…and we continue to pay.

The other interesting thing is all of this was predictable. The American military spent billions designing and training a military for Iraq along western lines. The trouble is they left an Arab culture that is still an Arab culture. Eventually you end up with the same old half-assed Arab army with a bunch of American gear they can barely operate. A guy named Norvell B. De Atkine wrote about this 15 years ago in a paper called Why Arabs Lose Wars. While he tried hard to inoculate himself, the author can’t help but notice the reason Arab countries are as we find them is they are full of Arabs. keep reading

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