9 thoughts on “Immigration Reform

  1. First of all, let me say that I agree 100% with TR. But what I find really interesting is the difference between CA ‘immigrants’ and those here in TX. The ones I’m familiar with are decent folks who want to share the American dream. Sure, they’re proud of their heritage (hey, I’m Polish – I’m proud of my heritage, but I’m also an American first, and a Polak second), but they don’t place their racial identity ahead of their new country. The vast majority of the ones we have here are hard-working people who just want a better life for themselves and their families.

    That’s why I struggle with immigration reform. No doubt the system we have now is broken. And the border is porous as a sieve. Heck, we can’t even keep 6-year-olds out. IMO what we need is a workable system that admits the good ones while keeping out the bad/lazy/freeloader ones. If that involves some sort of guest worker program, or a path to citizenship through military service, then so be it.

    I’d even be okay with something that provides a path to citizenship for those who are already here illegally, as long as (1) they’ve stayed out of trouble, (2) there is some sort of penalty for having broken the law (restitution, community service, whatever), (3) meaningful penalties going forward for illegals, and (4) SECURE THE DAMN BORDER!

    1. Tim & Rob – How about this, anybody over 18 is returned immediately to the border, they got here they can find there way home. Children under the age of 5 are put up for adoption to families who can’t have children of their own regardless of a parent crossing with them. That would assure they assimilate and probably the greatest gift America could give them. Five years old and over up to 18 are put in FEMA camps undergoing intense training to become Americans, this program would be paid for from Democratic campaign funds for Democrats pushing for amnesty. The only way out of the camps is a high school diploma from the camp or military induction, they have NO option to join regular schools because their parents have not invested a dime in taxes for education. If at any point these children decide they don’t want to participate, they are immediately sent back to Mexico. That should deter the the Democratic amnesty party and discourage child border crossings.
      Life ain’t fair, suck it up.

    2. Tim – I know you have a soft spot for legals and illegals who are hard working. My problem is we have raised a society of entitled white kids who think the Mexicans will do the hard work. They don’t learn trades because the Mexicans are willing to do the work they don’t want to. In one generation you will see Mexicans taking over major state and federal departments because they are the only people who know how to run our utilities, electricity, and construction. The next step is positions of power that may or may not have American values in mind. It’s the Great American Tragedy and nobody sees it coming.
      I speak from experience in a state a long way away from the border.

      1. Jeffi, You’re right about the entitled white kids who won’t work and would rather let the illegals do it for them. But, many of those “entitled White kids” are just to goddam lazy to work. They would rather live off the State and/or their immediate families, or both.

        My wife belongs to a quilting group of ladies, ages 42 through 97. One of the ladies is 84 and is doing everything — cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc, for her 93 year-old husband, who is bordering on dementia, and two of her sons in their late 40s and early 50s who will not do a goddam thing to help her out. One even has a girl friend who shows up regularly for “conjugal” overnight visits, and this lady is expected to cater to her, too. These two assholes are going to drive her into her grave and wonder what happened.

        1. Scottie – Hard work is deemed beneath white kids nowadays, problem is, it didn’t use to be. But now they have their worker bees in Mexicans and all is well, problem with that is a devaluation of the American culture.

    3. Yup CTT,

      The majority of Mexicans (legal & illegal) I’ve seen in North Carolina seem to be assimilating pretty good.

      Like the Chinese they appear to be taking advantage of the “Capitalist dream” and many are opening Mexican restaurants which offer great food. Most work their asses off either as crop pickers, hotel room cleaners, auto mechanics or landscapers. Their children, for the most part, seem to be good students and they dream to become future professionals like doctors and lawyers and they appear to be avoiding the fantasy trap of becoming the high-paid, “professional athletic” morons.

      That’s more than I can say for a huge number of Americans by birth entitlement leeches who sit and watch TV all day, smoke crack and live off Obama’s give-away programs.

  2. You do realize that we already have the most liberal immigration policy of any nation. There is no need for reform, other than to start following existing laws and kick the ones out that didn’t play by the rules. While no one should punish the children of those that break the law, they should not profit from it either. Every illegal here is a national of another country, they need to go home. No matter what laws are passed the Feds will never secure the border so it will just put out the feeding trough for more of them to belly up.

    1. Rob – This seems a bit different. Politicians turned their heads while illegals came in manageable numbers for the last thirty years. Obamas open border policy with the amnesty or dreamers promise has spread like wild fire and here they come. This influx is a direct result of Obama policy and he should reverse his position immediately, but instead throws more taxpayer money at the problem. Doesn’t fix anything but that is what big government does, if you can’t fix it, throw more money at it and wait for a miracle that will never come. A community organizers dream.

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