Rand Pauls Mistake

Rand Pauls Mistake

I like Rand Paul I really do, I also wonder how much his dads fanatical libertarian views would effect him if he were elected President, which makes his stance on immigration reform even more puzzling.

Mr. Cantor was the second high-profile Republican to suffer political damage by stepping forward on the immigration issue. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, another potential presidential contender, lost the support of his tea party base when he advocated a plan for immigration that some argued created a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.


Mr. Paul, a longtime favorite of the tea party movement, has made it clear that he believes Congress needs the courage to enact immigration reform. But his latest effort pushed him further into the middle of a strident battle between establishment Republicans like Mr. Norquist who see immigration reform as essential to economic growth, and tea party activists who fear the current efforts in Congress will only lead to de facto amnesty for illegal immigrants.

In fairness to Paul, he is in the blob now which means he has lost touch with the English language. Outside the bubble everyone understands that “immigration reform” means amnesty and open borders. We’re not idiots. The same is true of “path to citizenship.” The phrase “temporary guest worker” means giant loophole for business to hire Hindus to take your job.

Inside the bubble, clones like Paul wrestle with the nuances of these terms as if they have real distinctions. He could also be suffering from Washingtonitis, where the otherwise sensible politicians begins to think the people trust and value his opinion. That’s when they stop representing their constituents to Washington and begin representing Washington to their constituents.

Whether it is ideology or stupidity, Rand Paul just Cantored himself. found here

One thought on “Rand Pauls Mistake

  1. For some time recently, I was leaning toward Paul as a presidential candidate. But, in recent light of things I have read, I am leaning away from that notion and am looking toward a Republican presidential team of Allan West and Ted Cruz, either one in the top spot. It doesn’t matter, at least not yet. But they would be ideal, followed very closely by Dr. Ben Carson.

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