Cantors Choice

Cantors Choice

“Where else would these kids go? Again, they’ve been brought here as a minor in many instances having no idea what was going on, knowing no other place than America as home,” Cantor said during a press conference last July.

His position tugs at the heart strings, but where does it end? Obviously if you look at the influx of illegal minors, it doesn’t stop. That’s the crux of the issue, until you stop the crossings you will never solve the problem. The only thing Cantor did was stoke the fire with his amicable position. Now look. They are still here and he is gone….poetic justice…. but they are STILL HERE!


7 thoughts on “Cantors Choice

  1. What entices many illegal (as opposed to legal) immigrants is the vast welfare state that we have created. If we did not allow any illegals to benefit from their journey here, we would not have the problem we are experiencing

    1. Good comment, cass.

      True. As much as I hate to admit it, the Obama regime isn’t the only to blame. Bush, as I recall, played a part in what is now the massive tsunami of Mexican humanity, which is sufficating the American economy, as well.

      1. Tim – When you have the “Chamber of Commerce” pushing politicians around, you get the mess we are in now. How this group became so powerful is beyond me but they are very establishment entrenched.

    2. Cas – I agree with you but nothing is going to change. The Dems will continue to give out goodies for votes.

      1. “The Dems will continue to give out goodies for votes.” Like citizenship without all the bells and whistles that the legal immigrants have to go through to get their citizenship.

        And it ain’t gonna get any better if Hillary runs and is elected. God help us all if that happens. The only (repeat, only) saving grace if that happens is that we won’t have to listen to all the lies that The Ayatollah Obama (may his grave be forever shit upon by pigs) spouts several times every day. But, then, we would be subjected to lies spouted several times every day by The Queen of Indifference. She said that her (mis)handling of the Benghazi fuck-up qualifies her for Presidency. Right there is her most egregious lie. So far. And we can count on a great many more to come.

        1. Scottie – Hillary is so out of touch with reality it’s scary anybody would take her serious as a candidate, but Obama was elected with less credentials than her so what do I know.

          1. You’re right Jeffi. The Ayatollah Obama (may his head be forever shit upon by pigs) had even less credentials (and credibility) than Hillary and look where we are today – well on our way to being a third world non-entity.

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