Holder Doing His Best Hillary

Holder Doing His Best Hillary

It is difficult to follow this hearing and get any answers out of it. Holder is using a broad brush to claim silence in answering questions due to”ongoing investigation” integrity. At some point somebody has got to find a smoking gun on the lawless actions of the IRS as directed by the Obama administration. It is so obvious it makes me ill, and if you take Valerie Jarretts threat “our enemies will be punished” I can see no other conclusion.

“No, I don’t know anything about the political activities of any of the people who are involved in this investigation,” he said when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) questioned him during a Justice Department oversight hearing.


“As I said to I think it was maybe Senator Graham, I’m not going to discuss an ongoing investigation and what steps have been taken in connection with that investigation, and that is not something I’m only doing for this inquiry,” Holder responded.

“This would be an answer you would get from me for any investigation that the Justice Department was involved in. It is not appropriate for an attorney general or any Justice Department person to discuss an ongoing criminal investigation,” Holder added.

Lawyer double talk, seems to me that if you are in an oversight hearing, these people are Holders bosses and he should be forthright with any information they request. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to lose in disclosure.

4 thoughts on “Holder Doing His Best Hillary

  1. If a mere mortal were to act that way under oath the blackrobed pirate would take
    offense, declare us in contempt of court ( aside from the fact that the courts ARE
    contemptible) and throw our ass behind bars to stay there until we complied.

    Congress should do the exact same thing. Tell Holder to come clean, if he doesn’t
    have the Congressional Sergeant at Arms physically take Holder into custody, lock his
    ass up and KEEP HIM THERE till he cooperates.

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