10 thoughts on “Not The Sharpest Tool in the Shed

  1. This woman has never been in business and has always had every position in government given to her. She has not had to work for anything hard so unlike most people who go paycheck to paycheck that is something unknown to her. A total waste for anyone to vote for.

  2. she is out of her depth in a parking lot puddle !
    every time I try to listen to what she might be trying to say, I get a headache for doing so.
    any light in her eyes is coming in thru her ears !
    and it seems like faced with a question she can’t handle, she start laughing ?
    and yet, people will vote for that moron.

    1. They are not voting for Comma-La; they are voting for a Vagina of Color, because it will be historic to do so and they want to be a part of it.
      I still say she’s the dullest hoe in the toolshed.

  3. Do not be fooled. It’s not the nitwit puppet it’s the D machine you have to worry about and the plague of Trump Derangement Syndrome that lives in the brains on millions of emotionally reacting, instant gratification addicts.

    1. Exactly. TDS is going to bring down the country because at its core is the lust of unfettered greed and power that those in charge are afraid of losing.

  4. She’s the kind of girl who blew the ladder of success wrong by wrong.
    Thanks to Mae West
    Did a little modification of the line.
    Plus, what in the crap is she talking referring to?
    And since she is in office NOW why doesn’t she fix the problem now?

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