8 thoughts on “And It Begins

  1. We should probably all go out and buy a 2nd microwave oven, just in case we need to turn it into a weapon.

  2. they are out of their minds to do something like this. just because you can doesn’t mean you should. anything made by man can and does break down. fact. now image some geek pissed at the world getting ahold of something like this ?
    or a hacker gets his hands on the software ?
    not a good idea by any standards really.
    there is more than enough people out there that want to hurt others . we don’t need to make a machine to do that. just too stupid.

    1. A fella might not Need to armor up his bulldozer if he had a dozen of those things.
      The dude spinning it around and around, while it holds a pistol at the ready!!?? Seriously? Jump in front of the target the thing was just shooting?? NuUhh,MoFo..

  3. The video looks like a CGI fake to me, the robot was a digital overlay over video of a guy in motion capture body suit (like Gollum or Davey Jones). The falls look like human movements, and the knee wobbles make no sense for a machine…
    Convenient the robot model has a big enough head to make the bounces for the head throws match the helmet the actor was wearing.

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