4 thoughts on “A Republic…If You Can Keep It

  1. Thanks for posting this. The subversion of language in regard to this subject is in full force. Many are in intentional in this — the subversives, many are uneducated which makes them the dependable useful idiots. Sadly and shockingly, there are “conservatives” who otherwise seem intelligent that use this term i.e. Tucker Carlson.

  2. America ceased being a Republic a long time ago. More than a century ago. The death of the Republic started with the War Of Northern Aggression.

  3. This explanation is clear, but we have to remember 80% of Americans either are too stupid to understand the message or they’re too busy with their “Bread & Circus” distractions and can never comprehend their life-styles being altered. The hard core progressives are not only destructive and evil, they’re smart, obsessed, neurotic and dedicated to their campaign.

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