11 thoughts on “Gas Leak?

      1. LOL! Both right.
        No, seriously, election fraud was always a thing with jerry-mandering of districts and voter roll purges showing hundreds of deceased people… but it’s hit a point that is beyond just small-time fraud. It’s election theft on a national level, and they will never, EVER admit to it.
        They would HANG FOR TREASON if caught, so no matter what, they will deny, deny, deny. They will re-define language to avoid twitching at the end of a rope.
        … And make no mistake, that’s what has to happen. One inch shy of that, and they will do it again.

  1. So we are to believe 100,000 Republicans crossed over to Beshear. Also supports the narrative that Republicans are racist – how perfect.

  2. There’s 2 types of people

    98% are emotionally reacting, instant gratification need to feel good individuals who just want to push through life and take the easiest route. That’s the general public.

    2% are Critical thinking obsessed, take no prisoners, control oriented who are the ones to gravitate to the top of organizations both private and public. They know just how to tweak and maintain control of the 98%

    Democrat Politicians have perfected their game while Republicans want to play fair.

    1. Saw a comment from someone living in Virginia. The Dems were relentlessly attacking the Reps by falsifying the Rep position on abortion. He said that the Reps made no attempt to fight back. In other words, the Reps were doing their usual spineless thing again…and lost again. And yet you still see some who don’t like Trump because he posted some mean tweets.

  3. What I heard about VA was that there was heavy over spending by the Dems vs the Republicans and that the Dems produced many abortion themed ads that were not truthful but there was no counter by the Republicans in ads. Plus gerrymandering gave a plus to the Dems, but still with it the Republicans did good. The Media is not reporting this only the fact that the House and Senate were lost even with additional seats picked up in normally Dem areas by Republicans.

  4. they’re not going to fix it because to them nothing is broke. it’s working exactly as they want it to. there is one party and the pretend as if you’re voting works.

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