Buh Bye…..

Buh Bye…..

….and good riddance. Maybe now he’ll understand which flag should be on his lapel.

4 thoughts on “Buh Bye…..

  1. and what is with wearing the damn Uke flag shit ?
    I thought this was the USA, but no, he showing the flag colors of the fucking uke land.
    a shithole place that 70% or more people here
    couldn’t care less about. you want to send them money ? FINE. SEND SOME OF YOURS.
    I think we should stop giving money or ‘aid” to any country until they solve the problems here.
    over half the country is living check to check and these fuckers still want to give away our money ? damn them all to hell.

    1. Ukraine is the money laundering center of their grift, that’s why they are fighting so hard to keep the funding. They need billions to slosh through there so they can skim their 10% without being noticed.
      This is what the SBF/Crypto trial is about, and why it won’t get a fair shake. HE WAS LAUNDERING THEIR AID DOLLARS INTO CRYPTO TO HIDE THE SOURCE WHILE FUNNELING IT BACK TO THE DEMOCRATS!!!
      You know who his parents are, right? SAM WAS THE BAG-MAN FOR THE WHOLE GRIFT! He won’t see a day in prison, or will spill the beans if he does. Epsteined in 3, 2, 1….

  2. All those mother-f’ers running around the swamp proudly flying Ukrainian colors while ignoring the invasion of their own country via the southern boarder can kiss my ass.

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