8 thoughts on “Unfortunately I must Agree

  1. Oh come on. We are almost 2 years into a corrupt, fake administration and no one, I mean no one, has stepped up to correct the biggest fraud in American history. If you can get away with what Biden has done without a brain, then you can get away with anything, even turning the United States into a third world country. Prove me wrong.

  2. Ok. Say you’re correct. (my opinion differs, for the record) What then? Where to go from here? Pool got broken into and shots were fired at his residence either last night or the night before, which may lend to his dooming. But there’s still a chance to turn things around by several measures. So what good does it do to just say “it’s over”? If it is …. what do you plan to do about it? Make more podcasts, blogs, cash your checks and drink heavily?

  3. Appears both commenters have confirmed your point, which is supported by several hundred other bloggers detailing events over the last 15 years of the disintegration of society, if not more years than that. But what do I know, chuckling, I’m just another random typer expounding on what I only have a partial view of. Bwahahaha

  4. trump was one last lap around the traditional america track imo. its all downhiil from now on and you can already see they are doing everything to keep trump from winning the 2024 primaries.

    it’ll be a long road to the actual end taking decades, but the america under trump, reagan or even the bushes aint ever coming back.
    england, canada or something even worse is coming.

  5. I don’t understand why so many people insist on pushing normalcy bias. There is end will come a time when things just won’t get better and we are at that point in time in my opinion. Call me what you will, but I’m enjoying life, smoking my hood cigars, drinking my hood booze, eating the best steaks I can get. I will not “voat moar harder”. That shit is gone. I also have NOT thrown I the towel, I just get where we are. It gets worse. We could recover…but I’ve been a broken record since about 2008 give or take: it’s 1775 all over again but we don’t have the stomach for it. We want it done for us, hence the idiocy of trying to “out vote the cheat”. Are you FUCKING kidding me? The only “organizations” that have the discipline, organization, and capability to affect or lead the charge to rewind the tape won’t. “Just following orders ma’am.” If that group won’t because they are well fed and under the thumb, then you my friend are fucked. Trump is a con. Fuck him. He’s got too many unforgivable strikes against him ( J6 non-pardon, father of the jab, fucking with arms bans, etc.), I’m baffled as to why so many think he’s coming to save us. That’s why the actual Antichrist will be dawned over. BWTFU, but it won’t happen. We implode. Adjust accordingly. YMMV I guess.

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