Say Hello To 2013

Say Hello To 2013

If you thought 2008-12 was bad…..wait till you get a load of 2013.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I am not one for conspiracy theory. I am one for potential reality, and the reality is that this country can’t sustain the habitual government spending without paying for their irresponsibility at some point in time. The time frame for an economic collapse is unknown, but it will happen. Conservative or Liberal it does not matter, the wheels have been put in motion and it can’t be stopped, we have gone too far down the path.

Keep your eye on California, they have spent and taxed themselves into fiscal hell,  business’s are leaving the state by droves, and  they are upside down in revenue. How many California cities have filed for bankruptcy already? The only way to maintain current obligations is a bailout from the federal government. Our current resident in the Whitehouse and his groupies in the senate and congress are following the same blueprint as California, taxing the wealthy to the extent they take their business elsewhere, and spending beyond revenue.

 The question then becomes, who bails out the federal government? Who comes to the rescue of America? Well, nobody that’s who, and there is your collapse, the death of the dollar, and the beginning of the revolution.
Be prepared. Below is a portion of a story I read today, you can read all of it here.


There’s a reason thousands of Americans have been purchasing guns of all description and laying up stores of ammunition and it may go beyond concerns of gun bans. A lot of patriots think that 2013 could turn very ugly, very fast, with fears of martial law, Homeland Security goons, mass arrests, secret incarcerations, and worse. I have doubts about these scenarios, but they have long been a part of the arsenal of oppressive governments.


The trigger, however, for such scenarios would be the collapse of the U.S. dollar and there are signs—the massive national debt, the continued government borrowing and spending—that suggest this is a very real possibility. If and when that occurs, all bets are off.


What stands between most Americans and those who might wish to engineer the end to the Constitution is the fact that America is home to hundreds of thousands of hunters who comprise, by virtue of being armed, the largest army in the world. A goodly portion of our law enforcement community and our military are going to refuse orders to turn their guns on their fellow Americans and doing so would prove to be unhealthy.


Revolution is never pretty, but Americans did it once and can do it again to protect the Constitution and our rights. In a sharply divided nation, however, the level of resistance is unknown when so many now depend on the government for support. Many will prefer their chains.

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