the world has gone full retard. i believe you are in Wyoming, can i come and stay with you ? seems here in texas, biden has signed executive orders to make an alamo re-enactment for the whole state to overrun(and i know a bunch of POS lefties are smiling about it)
I too am in Texas Cougar. Had a conversation couple weeks ago with lefty. They were spouting off about dumb shit that Texas should do so I asked where he was from. California. I knew it! Anyway, I asked if was so bad here why did he leave CA? He said good jobs were getting hard to find so I told him that his rhetoric would create what he left therefore he should not have left to begin with and that he really should go back while he still could. That day was the first time I have been called a red neck for being calm. Go figure.
3 thoughts on “2021”
the world has gone full retard. i believe you are in Wyoming, can i come and stay with you ? seems here in texas, biden has signed executive orders to make an alamo re-enactment for the whole state to overrun(and i know a bunch of POS lefties are smiling about it)
I too am in Texas Cougar. Had a conversation couple weeks ago with lefty. They were spouting off about dumb shit that Texas should do so I asked where he was from. California. I knew it! Anyway, I asked if was so bad here why did he leave CA? He said good jobs were getting hard to find so I told him that his rhetoric would create what he left therefore he should not have left to begin with and that he really should go back while he still could. That day was the first time I have been called a red neck for being calm. Go figure.
Now that 2020 is safely behind us, this year would like to remind you that 2020 won. And next year? That will be 2020 too.