6 thoughts on “Math Is Hard

  1. I immediately consulted an actuary.
    Her comment was that math was still one of his strong points and asked why people voted for him in the first place.

  2. If you are choosing a meat-puppet, try to choose one that’s at least articulate, unlike Barky and Slo Jo. (Really, the um, ah, er, ehs and I, me, my of Barky were not the hallmarks of an articulate person.)

    Sadly, the Ho is just as hard to listen to, as she contradicts herself all the time in the same sentences.

  3. I am hard pressed to insult an obviously senile old man being used and abused by a group of commie fascist assholes. Yes, he was a bad bastard when he was younger, but he’s not even human anymore, he’s a decrepit wreck.

    Leave the poor old bugger alone and look hard for his puppet masters, then do your best to destroy them.

    1. His puppet masters are hiding in plain sight in the form of Susan Rice running things hands on and reporting to and taking orders from Obama in the shadow white house. This shit cannot be made up and is so obvious Ray Charles can see it. There, I found you meat puppets.

  4. If 600,000,000 doses are used to vaccinate 300 Americans its time to use the phrase “we vaccinated the living shit out of 300 superbeings”. I’m pretty sure this is the origin story of half a dozen superheroes.

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