11 thoughts on “Free Your Mind

  1. THIS is extremely dangerous…to our way of life. It’s almost as if the ‘news’ were coming out of a single, central source. Perhaps a place of Central Planning for the New Bolshevik Republick, eh Tovarisch?

  2. Sounds a lot like a chorus all singing from the hymn book. The use of the exact wording makes it even more suspect.
    Cpt. Obvious noticed it, and he never pays attention.

  3. I propose that all news media and TV interviews be conducted while seated at garrotting stools, with metal bands already tightened around the neck.

    The instant any person on TV utters phrases such as -– but by no means limited to – – “comprehensive immigration reform,“ “compassionate,“ “our democracy,“ “ Affordable healthcare,“ “tax cuts for the rich,“ “diversity,“ or “president-elect Biden,“ the band tightens, the eyes bug out, and the head rolls off the body and onto the floor.

    On camera.

  4. This is why I gave up on media on a levels. I watch for weather and shut it off. Nothing else is valid as they are programmed robots reading pre-planned scripts. No bias because there is no thinking.

  5. Pravda were mere pikers compared to the propagandists employed by the National Democratic Socialist Party in the U.S.

    The CCP has to be taking notes on how to censor free speech while claiming to be “non-partisan” and “looking out for the good of the country”.

    Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required.

    1. second. when the white house press secretary is silenced by social media and fox news hosts, you know you do not live in a free country.

      i use a phrase i think i got from paraphrasing a soft drink ad, “be careful what you put in your head”
      for instance, if you know people or media that havve told you trump is a racist or white supremicist when there was not one case of that reported by anyone who worked for him or did business with him and he has companies and business all over the world; you know they have no control over what goes in their head, no ability to think rationally and swallow anything.

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