Lockdown Follies

Lockdown Follies

Meanwhile our hospitals are furloughing employees because the expected (by the elites) tsunami of Commie-Flu cases never appeared, but they were told to cancel everything else, including cancer surgeries and cardiovascular procedures!

Yes…they worship at the altar of power, but they also focus their attentions on exactly the wrong things. It is a toxic combination of arrogance, power and stupidity, and it has come close to destroying us.

At least their philosophical antecedents could do a few things well…Mussolini was famous for getting the trains to run on time. The current crop of authoritarians can’t balance a checkbook or manage to keep the streets clean.

And they want to run healthcare in America? Our experience of the last few months should be the final nail in the coffin of single-payer, government-run medicine in America.

But it won’t be…


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