4 thoughts on “Live And Let Die

  1. Come On, really…
    – There is no test for antibodies for Covid-19 yet. That’s still being worked on. Because it doesn’t exist you would have to think they can’t be testing for it.
    – Any ME would know antibodies is one word.
    Fricking stupid AF people.

  2. I agree, they are trying to increase the number as much as possible. I would imagine they plan on using the increased number for political gain and to scare and hype.

  3. so, there are even less than 10,000 dead are primarily from covid-19 ?
    referring to my reply in another post here of 40,000 auto fatalities shortly, looks like there maybe even less from corona given this. so we may be throwing the usa into a depression for less than 2 thousandth’s of a percent of the county dying from it.
    I am not a conspiracy guy, but sure seems like something is going on and the usa will dam sure look like a euro-socialist country after this where 1% live on top and the rest get what is given to them

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