3 thoughts on “Stay Away From The Alphabet Networks ABCNBCCBSMSNBCCNN & Unfortunately….FOX

  1. news out that fox news execs told their show anchors like tucker and Hannity not to use the whistleblowers name. now, unless; their lawyers said to not do that because they could be liable and sued for doing it; it’s pathetic.

    wonder if beck and o’rielly would have done that. my guess is bill would have and glenn would have held tongue and quit after.

  2. Since Beck cheetoed out, he’s been off my radar. Fook him and his coming to Jesus moment.

    Anyone getting their info from the alphabets is hopeless. Its a big circle jerk preaching to their choir in an echo chamber.

  3. A ways back there was a comment about Epstein, ‘He’s Intelligence”. I wonder who he was working for?

    Let’s see. They got Whitey Bolger and Jeffy Epstein. Those were not good people, but they were a danger to even worse people. Wonder who is next.

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