Reason Number 1001 – How Red Flag Laws Would Be Abused

Reason Number 1001 – How Red Flag Laws Would Be Abused

“Mental health experts” present themselves as being more knowledgeable about human nature than the rest of us. In this way they try to impose their will on others. Psychiatrists and other “mental health experts” are overwhelmingly liberal and female. They themselves are dangerous, especially for men and conservatives, against whom the group has a profound bias.     keep reading….


4 thoughts on “Reason Number 1001 – How Red Flag Laws Would Be Abused

  1. Mental Health “experts” actions are like Hurricanes. Dangerous and unpredictable. And sadly, unpreventable.

    My advice: Hunker down and stay off Social Media. Plus never ever say anything that can be construed as hateful, dangerous or otherwise fodder for a red-flag tag. That applies even saying “wrong” stuff to your closest relatives. We’ve arrived in 1984 fellow travelers.

  2. Absofreakinglutey! I got my ass into a little trouble
    in jr high school. My mom had to take my juvenile delinquent
    ass to the school counselor. In my presence, this Sigmund
    Freud wannabe told my mother that there was no such thing
    as a bad boy, only bad parental upbringing. If I were truly
    a bad boy, this was a license to be one!

    When we walked out of the session, I asked my mothers if
    she caught the line of BS that the counselor was feeding her.

    Back in the 70s, every one of the BA’s and community
    college associate degree holders were (if male,) sporting a
    Sigmund Fraud goatee! Most of these dorks educations
    came from their subscription to Psychology Today.

    Inner-city thugs a problem? Throw them some basketballs
    and get them into ballroom dancing. Oh, hell yeah, that
    is going to turn Chiraq into the Garden of Eden!

  3. Easy solution.
    Turn the tables. Start calling in about your libturd neighbors; overwhelm the phone lines with red flag complaints. Do this to every rhino/lib/moron you know that owns a gun. Over and over again.
    In time, they might just realize they’ve created an impossible solution.

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