7 thoughts on “Agreed

    1. Agreed – the last two national ‘elections’ were merely practice for what they will do in 2020. Best estimates for ’16 were at least 3.5 million illegal votes cast – reality is it was probably double that. Add in the ‘vote harvesting’ in SoCal in ’18 and we have a good preview of what they will try next go round.

  1. You’re 100% correct. The Rats are already getting ready to cheat to the maximum. Dead people voting, non citizen immigrants voting, flat out in your face cheating such was done in Florida last year, finding extra ballots that always go in their favor in backs or trunks and rental trucks, kicking pole watchers out, and other illegal activities. They messed up in 2016 by not cheating enough. They thought they had it won. They will not let it happen again. Too much at stake. They have their high income cronies to pay off. They want absolute power and will do anything to get it.

  2. You’d have to be naive to the ultimate possible point not to KNOW that right now, REgressives are working across the country(well probably not in CA, IL, MA or NY) to make damn certain that there are no surprise repeats of 2016.

    Whatever it takes is their rallying cry.

    OTOH, President Trump ain’t no dummy. Can he really believe that sans some sort of true voter ID, he’s going to prevail?

    Here in Texas we have a fairly good system of identifying people who are eligible to vote yet 1,000s of people who did not have that right, voted.

    Regardless, demographics are reality. Combine the soon to be unnecessary voter fraud with the locust like flights of millions of REgressives into red states and the future is bleak.

    1. Yep – there was one official estimate that some 98,000 ineligible voters (not counting the dead ones) probably voted. Any bets that all of them voted for ‘beto’?

  3. Democrats got caught using dead people now they use illegals, a judge even called for ballots to be in Spanish. Way past time to have English as the only language in all things in America.

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