One Way Or The Other

One Way Or The Other

He could be Putins puppet or he could be innocent, that’s what the FBI, the numero uno bestest of the best law enforcement outfit in the land came up with.

There was no grey area, there was no…..let’s say…….evidence. Nope, he just went out and fired Comey, that was enough for them, don’t believe me?

James Baker, then-FBI general counsel, said the FBI officials were contemplating with regard to Russia whether Trump was “acting at the behest of and somehow following directions, somehow executing their will.”

“That was one extreme. The other extreme is that the President is completely innocent, and we discussed that too,” Baker told House investigators last year. “There’s a range of things this could possibly be. We need to investigate, because we don’t know whether, you know, the worst-case scenario is possibly true or the President is totally innocent and we need to get this thing over with — and so he can move forward with his agenda.”   keep reading….

What? You don’t know so your gonna fuckin’ guess? Then you sic a bunch of half crazed liberal lawyers and a department  full of Hillary lovers on the trail too determine Trumps……innocence?

I don’t think so.

Clean house on the DOJ, FBI, CIA, et al…… this is Planet Bullshit.

One thought on “One Way Or The Other

  1. Burn it down-it’s corrupt to the core. Mueller put the torch to senior agents when he was Director with his “up or out” edict which forced FBI agents in flyover country, yaknow the ones living with us rubes, to come back to DC or quit. Most quit.

    Since then(and even earlier) recruitment has excluded ex-mil(funny that huh) and focused on college grads. yeah and what’s been happening at colleges?

    Now these Jackboots can decide to “investigate” an elected President because…politics?

    Burn the fucker down.

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