Warnings 48 Hours In Advance

Warnings 48 Hours In Advance

I don’t give a shit about the 48 hour warnings. I would think that anybody who works in an embassy in the middle east would consider 9/11 a potential “hot date” for violence against….um…Americans. Why the United States emabassies were not prepared for something like this is beyond reproach.
Mr. Obama…American blood is on your hands for this one. Your administration is in charge of diplomatic relations and security of our interests over seas and in any country that we have a an embassy.
Your administration was in charge! Don’t try and blame some stupid amatuer movie for what has happened….this was and is implicitly on YOUR WATCH!

Take the blame…fix the immediate problem…and pray the American people can ever forgive you for your incompetence.

One thought on “Warnings 48 Hours In Advance

  1. “I would think that anybody who works in an embassy in the middle east would consider 9/11 a potential “hot date” for violence…”

    Yeah, that’s not exactly rocket science. And depending on muslims to protect our people from other muslims ain’t too bright either.

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