4 thoughts on “This…..

  1. “And the horse you rode in on!”…Maybe not quite accurate.

    In the men of the media’s case it the un-lubed dicks of your San Francisco partners Stephanopoulos, Anderson and Muir who rode you hard and put you to bed wet last night.

    In Rachael’s case it’s the strap-on 12 incher her girlfriend wears every night to their vulva shaped water bed.

  2. the media is full of about the most worthless professions there are if you think about it. they report what others do and would have nothing to do if it were not for other people making news for them, even fast food cooks at least provide food to others. even journalists are worthless usually. they are going to give you their opion on someone else’s news. who’s to say their opion means more than yours on that news. if the news is on economics and you have a finance degree and theirs was journalism; you should consider their opinion not worth a crap.

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