6 thoughts on “The Good Fight

  1. They also need to be reminded that they are more likely to die from car violence than from gun violence in schools. They think nothing of getting into a car and driving it well over the speed limit. Being in a school is statistically very safe.

  2. Bill Whittle always excels in everything he does, especially in rebuttals like the above. He has a way with words I wish I was even remotely capable of. Its very rare I have found myself not agreeing with him and on that rare occasion it was splitting a hair and not much else.

  3. I’m starting a campaign to ban all vehicles in America with the exception of Yugos. That should drop the death toll (currently 32,000 annually) to practically zero since even if you can start one they only go about 35mph max.

  4. in the news of the day, Baltimore mayor is going to load up some students to protest for gun control in DC.

    meanwhile Baltimore supposedly has some of the most gun control laws while having one of the highest murder rates.

    so, the mayor is completely stupid and insists on passing it on the kids.

    it’s a good thing I’m not rich enough to not need a job, I’d be drinking every day with news like this and how pathetic the future is going to be.

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