Promises In The Dark

Promises In The Dark

“I had nothing to do with that.”_ Obama regarding health insurance skyrocketing premiums

It was a flat out lie and he had everything to do with it. You don’t get to wash your hands of your signature law when it fails. These people face zero consequences for their actions, he will be out of office in a few months living off of his pension, speeches, with all of his healthcare paid for the rest of his life, along with his family.

The average Joe who doesn’t get coverage from his employer but makes over fifty grand can’t afford private insurance or Obamacare and gets penalized for not having it.

Now the asshat designer of Obamacare says their is nothing wrong with the law, they just need to make the penalties stiffer to force people to buy Obamacare regardless of the costs.

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” MIT Economics Professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber argued that “The law is working as designed. However, it could work better. And I think probably the most important thing experts would agree on is that, we need a larger mandate penalty.”

 I can’t repeat this enough. A short rope and a tall tree will stop 100% of these idiots playing with our lives.

5 thoughts on “Promises In The Dark

  1. Mullah Obama and Hil-LIAR-y Klinton are nothing more than two pees (misspelling intended) from the same Socialist-bordering-on-Communist pod. They would both climb the outside of the Washington Monument without climbing gear to lie to the American people before they would stand on the ground and tell the truth – – about any goddam thing!

    1. The “Fundamental Transformation” rolls on and 85% of Americans don’t even realize it cause their transfixed on “reaching out” to their buddies with electronic toys or basically they know it and applaud it or don’t believe it will affect them. In any case be prepared to eat a huge shit sandwich cause Obama’s grant plan is beyond torpedoing.

  2. The big eared purple lipped POS is the result of millions of stupid ignorant uneducated voters. Ain’t gonna happen this time. America is fed up with the left. The upcoming landslide victory by Trump keeps getting bigger and bigger.

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