She Will Have Her Revenge……

She Will Have Her Revenge……

….just wait.

Hillary Clinton is the very definition of morally bankrupt. If she she didn’t have money and power she’d probably be one of those women who have their husband killed for the life insurance. She’s drunk on power and all that that implies, and if she gets the power of the Presidency, her wrath will have no bounds. Her disdain for the unwashed masses was well publicized with the “deplorable” comment and it doesn’t matter what flavor of middle class you be, liberal or conservative, she’s an equal opportunity bitch. 

She will be the queen of the liberal elite of the East and Left Coast and will bring her own version of revenge down on the miserable underclass purely out of spite, it’s what she does, ask Bills lady friends.  And you dumb ass useful idiots who got her elected will be in the same boat as the rest of us, if you’re not in the inner circle of elites, the only thing that matters is your tax contribution, and you’re gonna be contributing a lot more. If you think for one second she’s going to tax the rich your out of your mind, she would be biting the hand that feeds her.

So for all of you pious ass hats that didn’t vote for Trump out of principle enjoy the consequences, with Hillary, nobody gets out unscathed. When your heath care premiums are more than your house payment, ya can’t bitch. When your train explodes because there were a few bad Mohamads in a batch of Syrian refugees, ya can’t bitch. When your job is outsourced to Mexico, ya can’t bitch. When the economy is thrown into chaos and the EBT cards stop working, ya can’t bitch when DeRay and DeShon show up angry and hungry at your front door….

When your daughters raped…
When your guns are taken….
When your money’s worthless….

When your church is fire bombed and religion banned…..
When your parents kick you out because they can’t afford you…..

When you can’t say anything against the state because free speech is outlawed….
When you can’t read the store front because it’s in Spanish….you….can’t…..bitch.

As for Hillary, after she has destroyed what’s left of the country, she will take the billions stolen/extorted in political graft and head to a tropical local far from the country she and Obama left in flames, and she will have her revenge.52025108




5 thoughts on “She Will Have Her Revenge……

  1. Sums it up well. I don’t understand the “can’t vote for Trump morality”, when Hillary will be the result. We fight battles to win the war, you don’t fight for the other side, you delay, you counter, you parry, but fuck you don’t allow the key battle to go unchallenged.

  2. the future of this country is so bleak. the no nothings that go rigt along are useful idiots and hillarys own comments prove that she is using them.

    under Hillary her way will be the only way and the pain, muslim attacks, gang attacks and rapes and looting will grow exponentially and all the victims will get is a speech, maybe.

    sad that this is where the country is but when you allow govt to live by its own rules, yu get Hillary and you will get no mercy.

    enjoy the decline.

  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Klinton crime syndicate hasn’t already bought a private island somewhere that does not have extradition treaties.

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