3 thoughts on “Sue Their Asses Off…..

  1. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/10/12/trump_sexual_assault_allegations_the_floodgates_are_open.html

    I like this one:

    Who: Kristin Anderson
    When we found out about her allegations: Oct. 14, 2016
    When she says it happened: Early 1990s
    What she says happened: The Washington Post writes that “Kristin Anderson was deep in conversation with acquaintances at a crowded Manhattan nightspot and did not notice the figure to her right on a red velvet couch—until, she recalls, his fingers slid under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh, and touched her vagina through her underwear.”

    Besides this not being important enough to tell until now, this incident tells you a lot about her, doesn’t it? The women I know would come around swinging at the first touch, forget the inner thigh and moving up.
    But by her own admission, she stood there and let it happen. I’d like to know who really touched her, now that she’s projected the incident onto Trump….

  2. Remember: Hillary Clinton says that women who claim to have been sexually assaulted should be believed–unless they accuse her husband, or some pedophile she was being paid to defend. Then they’re just stupid white trash who were asking for it and deserved whatever they got.

  3. Rich wonders why this “assault” has waited all these years, only to crop up now.

    In my never humble opinion, it never happened until Hil-LIAR-y and her staff of toadies decided how much cash (no checks – can’t leave a paper trail, can we?) this “victim” would sell her integrity for. The same very likely applies to all those other “victims” of alleged Trump “assaults”. And you can bet the ranch that these “victims” will never be heard from again after this sham of an election is over. Just like those accusers of Herman Cain were never heard from again after he was forced out of the race in 2008.

    This whole thing is nothing but a stinking pile of pure bullshit.

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