Counter Punch

Counter Punch

I was thinking about that over the weekend as first we get the leaked tape of Donald Trump talking like a normal man, who believed he was in a private conversation with another man. The beta male pansies in the managerial class don’t know anything about this, but normal men in private like to tell dick jokes, boast about women and reminiscence about their exploits. The faggots that take up space in Official Conservatism don’t know about these things.


Watching one traitorous fink after another decry Trump’s locker room talk from a decade ago, I was reminded once again that these people were never on my side. It was always a con, a grift, to fool otherwise decent people into putting down their weapons and surrendering to the Left. Buckley-style conservatism, whatever it was, is now just a tool of the managerial class to clear the field for nation-wrecking policies to benefit the ruling elite at the expense of the middle class. Keep Reading…

Democrats stick together through hell or high water. Not a peep out of Democratic politicians when Bill Clinton lied on national TV about his sexual exploits with an intern, yet GOP establishment types are so quick to join the liberal narrative of not offending anyone, they forget they need to defend someone….as distasteful as it may be.

6 thoughts on “Counter Punch

  1. Because this flap over some offensive things Trump said was some 11 years ago, I believe that it is largely irrelevant to this campaign. Why? Because back then, I seriously doubt that Trump was even considering running for President. Therefore, it was nothing more than locker room bullshit talk.
    Also, I believe that all those self-righteous, holier-than-thou hypocrites ought to get off their phony high horses, look at Trumps words as nothing more than plain, ordinary bullshit, and back the man for President. But rather, this bunch of asswipes, like McCain, Speaker Ryan, Mike Lee, and all the other would like to see Hil-LIAR-y be President. Those anti-Trump RINO party clowns, who are referred to as “Establishment Republicans” are no more true Republicans that Hil-LIAR-y or Mullah Obama is. They didn’t want Trump from the start, and now they are doing all they can to make sure he isn’t President, very much to the absolute detriment of the country.
    If Hil-LIAR-y is elected, then we, as a country, and a Republic, are well and truly fucked. As will be The Constitution and all it stands for.

  2. RE: “They forget they need to defend someone….as distasteful as it may be.”
    I don’t agree. They should defend IDEAS. What Trump did was brag to his friends about adolescent behavior that he may or may not actually believe in. You can make the case that Trump is the lessor of two evils. Or you can make the case that true followers of the GOP must back their candidate — no matter what. I can see that point of view, but that isn’t my point of view.

    Trump played this totally wrong:
    1. He should not have apologized.
    2. He should have pointed to the evidence of sexual assault by President Bill Clinton, including the video of Bill sexually assaulting the stewardess.
    3. He should have talked about how Hillary and Bill sent paid thugs to pressure women to keeping quiet.
    4. He should have pointed out that if Hillary had an once of self-respect, she would have left Bill years ago. She won’t because she needs him: she wouldn’t have any career at all without Bill, and she would have to have real accomplishments instead of simply getting jobs because she’s married to Bill.

    In the interest of disclosure:
    1. I’m a true independent. I think that the DNC is fascist and corrupt; and I think that the GOP is weak and stupid. And I think that both represent the Ruling Class.
    2. I have moral, ethical, and legal standards, and I will not vote for Trump or Sec. Hillary Clinton. Ever. Period. Trump is inexperienced and has way too many character flaws. Hillary is corrupt, dishonest, and totally incompetent. Neither person will defend the Constitution or the Rule of Law. Trump doesn’t understand it; Hillary hates it.
    3. I do not accept the argument that I have to choose the “lessor of two evils”. Give me an acceptable candidate, and I’ll work for that person.
    4. I have said for more than three years now that Hillary will be the next president. The Ruling Class has paid big bucks to get her elected, and they are going to collect — no matter what.

    1. I agree with you on all points, especially the last one -#4. If that happens, like I said above, we will be well and truly fucked!

      1. second on #4, and guess who pays for that ? every person in the country that doesn’t have the ability to hire those that can protect them. 4 years under Hillary is going to see all sorts of small businesses and personal bankruptcies as govt regulations shake them down.

  3. Remember and mark well the snake “republicans” now exposing themselves for the snakes they are. If by some chance Trump wins, these snakes will be looking and cajoling their way back into the “party” Off with their heads, all of them!

    1. I don’t know, here’s where I have a problem with the whole thing. I don’t care what he said, what he said and if he actually did it. I care more about why he felt he needed to say it, why feel the need to brag about it? I mean he’s trying to convince Billy Bush (a show pony) that he’s “the man.” Either you are or you’re not, and if you are you’re not going to go around trying to prove it… his weakness is his fragile ego.

      Why apologize? “I said it, it was a stupid thing to say.” What more does he need to say? “Here’s my taxes, I haven’t paid taxes in years… I take advantage of the 1%-er tax rules because I can. Is that fair, no, but that’s the way the world works.”

      None of these things will get him elected of course, and I don’t think he ever going to get elected anyway, (I did say that about Jesse Ventura however and was wrong) but at least this opens the door to shed some light on just how corrupt the government has gotten. Governments are always going to have a level of corruptions, I can’t think of one that isn’t, this one’s just gotten so far out of wack that it needs to be taken down a few notches.

      This also opens the door for a strong non-establishment candidate next time.

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