A Culture Of Bad Luck

A Culture Of Bad Luck

Some will say, “But you have to be charitable, you can’t just let them starve because they’ve had some bad luck.” To that I’d say an individual or a family, can have some bad luck. But the places these people come from have had “bad luck” for centuries. Their bad luck is the consequence of their political, economic, and social systems. It makes no sense, it’s idiotic, to import—at huge expense—masses of people that have a culture of “bad luck.”


At the most, if someone wants to help them, they should help them with their own money.   here….

3 thoughts on “A Culture Of Bad Luck

  1. Given how the ones that Canada imported have been acting, I see no evidence that a change of location will change their behavior. Since their “bad luck” is because of their bad behavior and desire to destroy, rape and pillage anything not already owned by them… well unless we want our countries to look like that we ouldn’t be allowing them in.

  2. Our government already forcefully takes funds from producers amd gives (redistributes) it to those they politically favor. Expanding the pool of ‘have-nots’, and giving them entitlements, while all recipients of these redistributed funds have contempt for those who are providing their support, is insanity.

    The virtue of selfishness is to be embraced while the concept of “altruism” must be rejected at every instance.

  3. Haiti is African. It has all the same problems as every other African controlled place on earth. Its genetics not culture, and no amount of “anti-racist” or white guilt can fix it.

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