Up Is Down

Up Is Down

Let me get this straight. African Americans fought for decades to be considered equal with whites, live equally among whites, work equally with whites, and go to school equally with whites.

Now they get privileged access to college, employment, and business. They have bazillionaire athletes, musicians, and actors all due to this epic struggle according to Black America.

Fast forward to 2016 and now they don’t want anything to do with whitey. Well done Obama, race relations couldn’t be better.

A Massachusetts college allows students to reside in “identity-based” housing communities, provided they have a “unique social identity” that has “historically experienced oppression.”   here…

and this….

A group of students at the Claremont Colleges in search of a roommate insist that the roommate not be white.

Student Karé Ureña (PZ ’18) posted on Facebook that non-white students in need of housing arrangements should reach out to either her or two other students with whom she plans to live in an off-campus house. The post states that “POC [people of color] only” will be considered for this living opportunity. “I don’t want to live with any white folks,” Ureña added.

I think it’s passed time we give them what they want. They can have their own police force (The New Black Panthers) their own grievance council (Black Lives Matter) and their own politicians (Every Black Democratic Politician from Detroit, Chicago, and  Baltimore plus the Congressional Black Caucus), their own currency (with Kanye and Jayzee, and Beyoncee on it). Then give them their own city……ever seen Escape From New York?70810

5 thoughts on “Up Is Down

    1. saw that. that’s today imo. the usa is rapidly falling to wear an above average person with common sense looks like a genius or an alien if youre a liberal.

  1. For the record, I have no ill will toward any non-white group(except muslims, they aint right and the world is in denial). I did not even know I was a racist until Obama came in and told me I was and my country was.

    so, if president homey wants to play that game; fine.

    I propose some things:
    1. make certain states all minority rule. all cities and the state for those states must be minority city councils, mayors, governors, state houses, local education councils, local transportation. white people can still live in these states, but all decisions affecting the state will be a minority peoples decision. western civilization and the usa rose up on the back of the white man. let’s give minorities some states and let’s see them show if they can do if; Africa and south America say the cant(although chile seems to get it right)
    2. Segregation. I’m down with it, but now you gotta live by whiteys rules if you are in his apartment, house or business. you must wear pants with belts, a collared shirt(no hoodies), can only play and listen to music with lyrics and a melody, proper English must be used, the only chain allowed must have a cross on it. when you are in a marked white part of town, rap is not allowed, music with the windows down is not allowed and you will use the words please, thank you, mam and sir.
    3. if I white owned business, like most every professional sports franchise says you must get you hair cut in such a way and keep clean shaved, you must do it. if they say you must wear a uniform to and from the stadium like a blue suit and tie, you do it. if they say you must spend so many hours with the white fans every week, because its mostly white fans that are making you a multimillionaire; you must do it.

    the truth politicians do not want to own up to is people want to live by those that look like them and not just whites, blacks and browns are the same. its true, I dodnt have the live but there is a site out there somewhere that you can see where the different races live and you can even drill down to zip codes and still see definite divides. if people of all stripes wanted to live in harmony, that wouldn’t be true.

    I have no problem living with a person of any race, but you need to come up to the high standard western civilization has set. rap music, ebonics, rebid disease spread by illegal immigrants are all things western civilization said was below its standards and if that means I have to only live with whitey to maintain those standards; so be it.

    (I shoulda published this to a book)

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