Slow Posts And Politics

Slow Posts And Politics

Sorry for not getting more content up lately. Summers are very busy for me and on the weekends golf takes priority over pretty much everything.

After watching the RNC convention and catching glimpses of Hillary’s DNC Woman of the Century party I needed a break from politics to wash off the dirt. I sometimes think I need to just ignore politics and live my life without stressing about it but as the old saying goes, “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you. ” Not sure who said it first but it seems that is the stance we must all take.

It’s a shame that we have to worry about politicians ruining our lives to the point that as Americans we have to take a defensive role to try and protect our way of life from the very people we elected to protect us in the first place. 

So as summer rolls on I will continue to to show how the Democratic Woman of the Century will do more harm as President than the current Faker in Chief has done in 8 years. Hillary is a vindictive mean spirited corrupt old hag of a liar and will rain hell down on everyone that has crossed paths with her in her run to the White House. She has a past history of destroying people who cross her so you can imagine what she will do when she has the power of the Presidency to inflict her vengeance.

Hillary never stopped wanting to be president. She was just was going to have to wait for eight years. But how could she take the steps necessary and maneuver so she wouldn’t be faced with another loss in the primary in 2016? Well, the strategic thing would be to have a plant become the head of the DNC so that if a thumb on the scale had to take place, she’d at least own the thumb. That’s where Barack Obama and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz come in.   here….

So even if you can’t stomach The Donald the thoughts of bowing down to The Queen for the next four years should sway you enough to do the right thing and vote Trump, as distasteful as that may be for some.


6 thoughts on “Slow Posts And Politics

  1. I’ve been a Republican Nose-Holder for a while now, why should this election be any different? I was a Cruz supporter, but I’m voting for Trump for this reason: The Republicans in Congress have proven they are cowards and won’t stand up to a President for fear of being called names in the press (racist for Barry, Sexist if Hillary wins, God forbid!) We know if the Dems take Congress, they’ll just bend over for Hillary.
    So, if there is any hope of Congress, Democrat or Republican, keeping an imperial President in check, it is with the election of Trump.
    Then we can work on getting Cruz Majority Leader in the Senate before he runs again!

    All that said, I expect MASSIVE voter fraud on the part of the Dems with Supreme Court at stake.

  2. Take your time getting back. In the meantime, just toss out some pics of Trump’s hot wife or such and we’ll be fine… 🙂

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