Kangaroo Court

Kangaroo Court

I must be missing something. FBI asks for emails, Clinton say’s no emails, state department say’s no emails, FBI find’s emails, decides Clinton innocent, now returning emails to state department they asked for in the first place. WTF?

The FBI has delivered “thousands of documents” to the State Department that it recovered during its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, CNN reports.

A court filing in a civil case related to Clinton’s server from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch said that the FBI plans to turn over more emails on Aug. 5, according to the news network.

The State Department will then again sort through the documents, determining which should be considered “agency records.” They’ve been expected to release them publicly on a rolling basis.   Here…

They already had them, refused to give them up, now they are the review board?

It’s all over with kids, buy food, guns, ammo, and get trained.

6 thoughts on “Kangaroo Court

  1. Yup,

    No push back from their “turds-in-the same-game” AKA: Republicans. Donald trump is doing his best but he’s currently concentrating on defeating the Lesbian in November.

    If Hillary is elected you’ll find Obama’s right hand up her ass manipulating his first female presidential “sock-puppet”.

    It’s gonna be a 2017-2022 holocaust of untold horror for American white, Conservative, Christian males that’ll make the Nazi one look like a $75,000 Bar Mitzvah party!

  2. Second the “WTF” but not surprised after Comney became a lapdog with his results announcement.

    by the day election day rolls around, Hillary will be mother Teresa and trump will have rumors swirling that his family were KKK members.

    And if you are a white male, you are going to be in a world of hurt under Hillary. I’m actually thinking of giving her campaign 100 bucks in hopes it keeps me off of any targeted list. (although, coming to this site; may cancel that donation smoke screen, hopefully they’ll buy that I come here for the naked women and not the site owners commentary).

    1. Hang tough, leeholsen

      Hillary can “suicide you”, but she can’t eat you. Cannibalism’s still against the law!

      “Well, she eats Huma”, you say.

      That’s no Cannibalism….it’s “Carpet-munching” Lesbianism!

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