Slight Of Hand

Slight Of Hand

You know, after Trump called his wife ugly and said his dad might have plugged Kennedy.

The Trumptards think that Ted Cruz should submit to the Might of Trump and bend the knee.


It is amazing to me that while we debate who will be president, stupid motherfuckers continue focusing on the only thing their little minds can grasp: whether this Personality was deferential to my Hero Personality.


Trump treated Cruz viciously enough that Cruz is completely disburdened of the obligation of supporting him. At some point, you’ve insulted your way out of an endorsement.

Trump picked the Rules of Engagement. He has to live with them.

Now I still favor Trump over Hillary Clinton.    here….

3 thoughts on “Slight Of Hand

  1. After reading about Cruz’ speech last night, I have decided that I am going to write in “Ted Cruz” n my ballot in November. It may be a wasted vote, but I can’t, in good conscience, vote for Trump now. (I was going to until last night). And I goddam sure will NEVER vote fir Hil-LIAR-y. I would vote for any one of several million fence post in Montana and/or Wyoming before I would vote for Hil_LIAR-y. I don’t trust her anywhere near as far as I can throw a seriously pissed-off rodeo bull by the ass.

  2. From the link:

    “I think it’s time for me to announce that I’m looking to make my exit from the blog and politics as soon as I can arrange it. I can’t take the stupidity, the juvenile hero worship, the backbiting, the groupthink enforced by bullies and dummies any more.

    It’s disgusting. It’s stupid. It’s unhealthy for the mind and spirit.

    I just can’t take it much longer. And I won’t.”

    My thoughts exactly.

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