Skipping The Light Fandango

Skipping The Light Fandango

Robert Maginnis, a retired Army officer, said: “There is no genetic markers for homosexual proclivities while skin color is dictated by our DNA. In recent years the homosexual lobby used political pressure and bigoted intimidation to cower the medical community into declaring their proclivities ‘normal,’ whereas forever until the last few years it was considered a disorder. Declaring such behavior ‘normal’ may work for the political cowards in Washington and Hollywood but fails the straight-face test in middle America.”

Retired Army officer Robert Maginnis rejecting liberal Navy Secretary Ray Mabus contention that pro-military activists who opposed lifting the ban on gays serving openly in the ranks are just like the bigots who fought against racial desegregation decades ago.


h/t Weasel Zippers for the story

2 thoughts on “Skipping The Light Fandango

  1. Progressives succeeded in bamboozling many Americans into thinking that sex is the same thing as race. Their appeal to gender fluidity is proof that progressives couldn’t care less about genetics. They just want to justify their poor choices by using the force of law to ensure no one can ever even complain about their aberrant morality.

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