4 thoughts on “Chilling

  1. I saw this trailer a while back. Don’t think for a microsecond it won’t go-down just like in the movie.

    The military & police think “their careers first” just like the rat bastard filthy bunch of Republican & Democrat Politicians in the Washington D.C. Beltway Political Club.

    You and I are just trash to kick into the gutter whenever the political moment is “moment is right” as they say in the Viagra commercials.

    Bend over the Obamacrat stiffie is coming your way!

  2. Stay where you are! Assistance is on the way. When they arrive, open your door, stand aside with your hands clearly visible. You will escorted, for your safety, to a facility, at no cost to you, to assist you.

  3. yes, the country is basically increasing its debtload by 1 trillion dollars a year now. what person who actually thinks, think it can keep that up for the next 25 years or that there will not be really bad things to come when it has to deal with it.

    imo, when the shtf on this, the violence, starvation and amount of people making wild dogs look behaved by comparison; will make the pictures you see from venezula today like a sunday picnic and people in power knew they were setting the country up for this; I hope we identify everyone of them so they can all be shipped out to the center of lake Michigan and walked out the deck with a 100 pound weight strapped to their leg.

  4. I think the wish is …. since its going to happen … let it happen now . so the next generation can be clear of it .. Not wishing it to happen but wishing to spare those we can from the worst of it.

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