A Decree For The Unstable Minds

A Decree For The Unstable Minds

That title goes both ways, (pardon the pun). The authorities who are championing this cause and the LGTB community are….unstable.Untitled-15-550x300

LGTB people are a small minority of the country, and if you break it down the number shrinks for each distinction. I assume there are far fewer transgender people than say lesbians, more bi-sexual than homosexual. That’s a guess but I feel safe with that assumption. 

An earlier report published in April 2011 by the Williams Institute estimated that 3.8 percent of Americans identified as gay/lesbian, bisexual, or transgender: 1.7 percent as lesbian or gay,1.8 percent as bisexual, and 0.3 percent as transgender.

So Fabulous Leader Obama has chosen to take action for the perverted gender confused crowd that is 0.3 percent of Americas population, how progressive.

So what can be done? Well I’m not sure, since my kids are grown and out of the public school system so I don’t have a personal dog in the fight, I have grand kids getting ready to start attending elementary school but they are my kids kids, not my job. I would strongly suggest that if the decree is put in place that my kids pull theirs out of public schools and either go private or home teach.

Either way this is an insanely stupid petty action by Obama because he is a insanely stupid petty man and Hillary will be the same. Elections have consequences.white_house_rainbow_zps24ptrqtq


6 thoughts on “A Decree For The Unstable Minds

  1. The “dictator” has shed his cloak of a benevolent, fair, all inclusive Leader” and his real ideology defiant glove has been slammed across the face of Americans.

    I just wonder how many of his fellow African-Americans” will agree with “Dear Leader’s” mandate?

    Some people believe (or hope) most public school administrators will ignore this egotistic spasm of a petty, man-child tyrant. I, however, have my doubts.

    I can envision squads of police dragging handcuffed and shackled Americans who believe in the separation of sexes as they attend to their most private bodily functions off to some “reeducation camp” surrounded by strands of barbed wire and armed-guard towers.

    Finally, Obama is not exiting the position of President of the United States next January. Hillary will be the Democrat nominee and shortly afterwards be indicted and tried for her “email crimes”. Obama will declare martial law, remain as president and finish the job of destroying the country.

    The military & law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated at the highest levels so they’ll toe-the-line and enforce any of Obama’s anti-American, sociopathic demands.

    By 2020 this once mighty nation as most of us have known it will cease to exist.

    Call me paranoid but I think I’m just looking at the “new order”.

    1. I agree. Florida and Ohio should be reliably democrat in 2020 like Pennsylvania is today thanks to the flood of immigrants since ted kennedys 1965 immigration act and the final nail is when texas flips to purple in 2024 or 2028; these are going to happen and with the stupid youth today actually favoring socialism; the usa is going to be completely different.

      all those conservative talk hosts saving now is time to save the country are in denial; the country is already lost and I don’t drink often enough trying to cope with that knowledge.

  2. When I was a kid growing up in northern Montana (I’ve got a long memory, I’m 81), the idea was that the majority ruled. Today, though, the smaller the minority is, the more they rule.

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