

Epic call out on the hypocrisy of the left. Well played!

Moore1H/T to Maggies Farm for image

Here’s the list of all the people and companies boycotting the state so far:

Ringo Starr

Bryan Adams

Deutsche Bank


Bruce Springsteen

Michael Moore


Joel McHale

General Electric

the Dow Chemical Company



Hewlett Packard

Choice Hotels International

Whole Foods

Levis Strauss & Co.



5 thoughts on “Bam!

  1. I live near Charlotte and I am so darn tired of all this BS. We pander to 1 percent of the population. Tell the freaks to get their ass back in the closet and shut up.

  2. I live in Western North Carolina and if my daughter is in a lady’s room and some ass-maggot faggot enters she’s been instructed to kick the turd in the balls (if they haven’t been cut off) as hard and as many times as she can and keep screaming RAPE as loud as she can.

    It’s a shame all the Liberal, celebrities whose well armed entourage wouldn’t let any commoner within 100 feet of them have the fucking nerve to push and support an agenda that is used to demonstrate and assuage the insecurities of about 0.8% of the population while the majority of us folks have to suffer the consequences.

    Liberalism is a mental disease where the individual acts like a spoiled 5 year old brat.

  3. A month or so ago a guy went into the women’s locker room at a local pool, while junior high girls were in there for a swim meet, and just stripped down and changed. When confronted, he said the law was on his side and they could do nothing about it. Guy did not even claim to be trans or “identify” as a female. Toe, your instructions are spot on.

    1. So Michael Moore is going to boycott North Carolina over their law. Big fucking deal! That would keep about 12 North Carolina people from seeing his movies. The other 49 states should be blessed with his boycott as well.

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