They Lied

They Lied

Hillary admitted to her family, Libya, and Egypt that the Benghazi attacks were done by terrorists. It’s in her emails, it’s beyond doubt.

She said it was a you-tube video, so did Obama.
They lied because there was an election in two months.
They lied to protect their political ambitions.
They lied to the families of the victims.
They lied to the American people, and apologized to Muslims around the world for the video.

What more do you need to do to be removed from office and sent to prison?

4 thoughts on “They Lied

  1. The DOJ will never prosecute one of their own unless it is beneficial to them. I really don’t think anything will come of this until a REAL conservative .gov is elected if ever.

    They don’t work for us anymore.

    1. Tom – It is unconscionable that Obama, who dictated the lie, and Hillary, who jumped on board, can get away with a flat out lie. That is why there is no trust in our government, yet we let them get away with it. It’s a freakin’ joke.

  2. The ONLY way that Attorney General Lynch, a true Obama toady, sycophant, and the female version of former Attorney Corporal Eric the contemptible Holder, will ever even think about prosecuting Hillary is that she is white. But first she would have to get the OK from Mullah Obama, and we all know when that will happen, don’t we.

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