Community Organizing ISIS

Community Organizing ISIS

To suggest that Islamist extremist have “legitimate grievances” defies logic. Obama and his minions are not qualified to run a lemonade stand, let alone the country. Why he hasn’t been run out of office for dereliction of duty is mind boggling.

A legitimate government would see the folly of having a man like Obama in charge and demand his resignation. But because of his skin color politicians are terrified of being labeled racists. Until we have a government body that relies on common sense instead of political correctness we are doomed to be ruled by idiots.


Governments that deny human rights play into the hands of extremists who claim that violence is the only way to achieve change. Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies. Those efforts must be matched by economic, educational and entrepreneurial development so people have hope for a life of dignity. _ Barack Obama
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4 thoughts on “Community Organizing ISIS

  1. As Rush Limbaugh says: The Progressive, Liberals (i.e. Obama’s crowd) really, really believe that: the United States is the problem. We Americans have taken advantage of 3rd world countries for decades and now those “people” are really, really mad at us. So we must bow to their demands instead of killing them!

    1. Toejam – They want to control the world according to their ideology. Obama is enabling them. They have been really, really, mad at everybody that does not believe as they do for thousands of years, nothing will change that.

  2. I’m beginning to suspect that all the progressives in the US smoked weed when they were teens and had that little switch called “common sense” broken in a doobie haze.

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