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Category: Gun Control

The Ultimate Firewall

The Ultimate Firewall

“Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.” _ Captain Parker

Don’t get me wrong, I think an armed civil uprising against the state would be devastating and a national civil war and it’s consequences would be inconceivable…..but democrats keep pushing the envelope and are violating their oath to defend the constitution……something has to change if they continue down this path, it will not end well.

Reason Number 1001 – How Red Flag Laws Would Be Abused

Reason Number 1001 – How Red Flag Laws Would Be Abused

“Mental health experts” present themselves as being more knowledgeable about human nature than the rest of us. In this way they try to impose their will on others. Psychiatrists and other “mental health experts” are overwhelmingly liberal and female. They themselves are dangerous, especially for men and conservatives, against whom the group has a profound bias.     keep reading….


They Will Always Hate You

They Will Always Hate You

Weird how the liberal solution to every problem is always to make you less free.

One of their tactics is exhaustion – to exhaust the weak among us and get them to say, “Gosh, if we just give in we can put this unpleasantness behind us.” But you can’t put anything behind you with these people, because there is nothing to put behind you. It’s all a lie. You are not a racist. Your guns won’t hurt anyone but criminals and aspiring tyrants. And the leftists know it. They know they are spewing skeevy slanders, and if you give in on this one – handing over your AR-15 and hanging your head over prejudices you don’t possess – the libs and their newsprint lackeys will just club you with another set of grievances that you can only atone for through further submission.

It will never end. They will always hate you. Always. Nothing you can do will change that. Nothing. So get used to it and invite them to pound sand.    Keep reading….