8 thoughts on ““Joy”

  1. Some people obviously think they are more clever than anyone else. It will be amusing to watch when this is no longer tolerated.

    1. Arrested? Sure.
      But only after you’ve come out of your house, beat the vandal with a bat, soaked it with cold water from the hose…..THEN call the po-po to arrest her.

  2. Learned my lesson last election. Now my sign is impregnated with old fashioned razor blades, some really bad *ss fishing line, and some self tightening knots I learned on commie utube. The blades are shined up to reflect colored lights, and the knots are what’s holding it all together, perfectly legal. And no, I have no sympathy to the screams coming from my front yard. It is some of the best music I have ever heard a communist democrat create.

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