11 thoughts on “True

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  2. A contractor doing some work for OHDOT had imported a couple of builders from Grimsby, England. I hooked my wife up with their wives, and we spent weekends taking them places around the area. They were astounded how cheap things were here.

    They were also astounded at the scale of the country. Euro look down on the US, but the need to some of the things they need to do is simply not present in the US. I would not, however, go to the point of saying that every state is its own country.

  3. My wife and I flew into Munich and then drove to Vienna, a distance of about 250 miles, two separate countries. That is also the distance we would travel on a lot of weekends going from Chicago to visit family in Cedar Rapids.
    Forget finding Switzerland on the map, try telling a European you’re from Iowa. They have no clue where that’s at, or what it is.

  4. I live in Florida. To go from one tip, Key West, to the western-most point, right before Mobile, Alabama, is 13 hours at full speed, without any bathroom or fuel or food breaks.

    That’s on great roads.

    Doing that, you go from island paradises to jungles to urban sprawl to ranch plains to hills, really big hills, really really big hills, and then to sub-tropical lowlands.

    That’s just one state. Florida.

    People in New York City or state, or people from Rhode Island, have no friggin clue how big Florida is.

    Heck, people from LA or Chicago or NYC have no idea how big Florida is, let alone how big the contiguous states are.

    Add in the non- contiguous states, Hawaii and Alaska, and the territories and possessions like Guam, Puerto Rico, Diego Garcia, and we literally span a good portion of the world.

    Suck it, Euro trash!

  5. Riddle me this: Why spend a metric crap-ton of money visiting places that feel superior to us if not outright hate us for saving their asses in two world wars and providing the nuclear umbrella under which they’ve been protected from Russia-Russia-Russia for many decades?

    1. and sleep in tiny little crappy beds in tiny little rooms and eat tiny little meals that wouldn’t qualify as a snack over here. no thanks.

  6. Love telling folks Alaska is the northern most state. They’ll nod in agreement. Then I’ll add, we are the most western also. They’ll nod again. But when I mention, by the way Alaska is the most eastern state, too. I always get a stare of bewilderment.

  7. Had a conversation similar with a person from Geneva.He spoke 2 languages. He somewhat put his nose up cause most Americans only speak one. I showed him an overlay map of Europe and the US.

  8. I am a twenty or thirty generation American. “Old Hugh” Weir left Scottland, detoured in Northern Ireland for a while and ended up in the colonies around 1750. I have a cousin who married a Spaniard and stayed in Madrid for the rest of his life. He has three children. When each of his kids came to visit us in America, each one said, “Oh My Gawd! American is so big! It is scary!!!”

  9. Pffffttt……45 minutes, I could be in a second county from home, still be in the state.

  10. I haven’t seen the stuff in my state or country that I want to see, I sure ain’t going to some other countries that hate me. I’m just fine where Im at.

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